We are delighted to announce the release of Document! X and HelpStudio 2011.
This major update to both products brings (amongst many other things) seamless integration between Document! X and HelpStudio - install both products and you can use the entire combined functionality in both / either product. Choose Document! X for automated reference documentation and/or HelpStudio for additional conceptual documentation functionality including Glossary Editor, Topic List, Content Snippets, Imaging tools, Pdfs etc.
You can find full details on what is included here:
What's New in Document! X 2011
There are also a range of movies available on the Document! X and HelpStudio pages.
If you hold a current subscription license, or purchased on or after 1st February 2011, you can upgrade free of charge here:
If you currently have a Document! X 2010 and/or HelpStudio 3 license without a current subscription, you can view your upgrade options here:
If you already own a Document! X 2011 license (or will be upgrading), pricing to add HelpStudio to your toolbox is a fraction of the standalone full version cost of HelpStudio.
Many thanks to everyone who provided feedback during the beta - we know your time is precious and very much appreciate your help.
Richard Sloggett
Release co-ordinator