Document! X and HelpStudio Bundle 2015.2 Release Information

This page contains information about the 2015.2 release of Document! X and HelpStudio Bundle, including information on the release contents and how to upgrade to this release.

What's New in 2015.2

You can find a detailed release note, including minor updates and bug fixes, here:

Microsoft Help Viewer 2.2 Support

Support for Microsoft Help Viewer 2.2, the updated version of Microsoft Help Viewer included with Visual Studio 2015. Output that targets Microsoft Help Viewer will now automatically register with Microsoft Help Viewer 2.2 if it is installed locally, a link to view the generated output will be included in the Build Results and batch files will be generated with the commands necessary to deploy help to Microsoft Help Viewer 2.2 on other machines.

Team Foundation Server 2015 Support

Support for Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2015 for Source Control integration.

Windows 10 Support

Full support for use on the new Windows 10 operating system.

Integration with cloud based discussion/community services (Disqus/Facebook/Solidopinion/Livefyre)

It is now possible to enable Discussion/Community Features in the generated output using one of several third party cloud based Community/Discussion services. Community Features allow you to create a community around the content that you author with Document! X and HelpStudio by allowing your end users to post feedback and threaded comments. Integrating with the established best of breed Community/Discussion services in this way enables you to choose the service that makes the most sense for your particular scenario. Community Features are enabled using the Community Features page in the Project Profile Editor, are supported throughout the standard templates and are visible when you are authoring.

Enhanced shortened filename generation options

Additional Short filename generation options have been added to Project Settings to enhance this important area of functionality. It is now possible to save the generated filenames between builds so that the same filename will always be generated for a given item. There are also additional options to shorten / transform the default generated filenames using a regular expression find and replace, or by removing a common file prefix. Shortening can now also be restricted to those filenames that would otherwise exceed a particular length (e.g. the windows path and filename length limitation of 260).

New Table of Contents node types that automatically populate the ToC based on Topic Category/Topics

The new "All Topics Categories" Table of Contents node will automatically generate a Table of Contents structure at build time based on the Topic Category / Topic structure on the Project Explorer. A new "Topic Category" node type will do the same but just for a specific Topic Category. These new node types will save time and effort in arranging the Table of Contents if your Project Explorer already reflects the structure you would like to see on the Table of Contents.

Custom Build Configuration Event Actions

Build Configuration Event Actions allow you to define actions you want to perform when building a particular saved Build Configuration. Actions can be executed before or after the Build or Publishing operations. Actions can invoke an external program or script, or show/log a custom build message.


Visual Studio 2015 Integration

Integration with Visual Studio 2015, including the Visual Comment Editor available for C#, VB and C++/CLI code files.

Document! X Placeholder for a specific item Table of Contents Node

Although a fully automatic Table of Contents containing nodes for all of the items in your documentation project is a huge time saver for reference documentation items, there are times where you might want to divide up the ToC in a more specific way. For example, you might want to include the nodes for a specific assembly or namespace under the a part of the ToC that contains the conceptual topics (introductions, tutorials) that relate to it. This new ToC node type allows you to do that - the portion of the ToC generated for a specific item can thereby be placed anywhere on the ToC. The nodes that are automatically generated for the item can also be customized if required, in the same way as the regular Document! X placeholder node.

New filtering rule to allow filter of all items belonging to a particular documentation type

This new rule kind makes it easy to create filters in a Build Profile to include/exclude all items from specific documentation types. For example, in a project that contained .NET, COM and Database documentation items you could create a Build Profile that outputs everything apart from .NET documentation, or a Build Profile that only outputs database documentation. This rule kind can also be useful to create a "Topics only" Build Profile (by adding a rule to exclude all reference documentation types) in order to quickly build only conceptual Topic output (e.g. for review).



Compatibility with 2015.1, 2014.1 and 2013.1

Installing 2015.2 will automatically remove 2015.1, 2014.1 or 2013.1 if you have it installed.

Projects can be opened in 2015.2 without any conversion. Projects saved in 2015.2 should not be edited in 2015.1, 2014.1 or 2013.1 to avoid loss of data associated with features not present in the earlier version.

Compatibility with 2011 and 2012

Projects created with 2011 or 2012 will open automatically without issue in 2015.2.


Upgrading to 2015.2

If you have a current Subscription license

If you have a current subscription license, the upgrade to 2015.2 is free. You can upgrade your license free of charge by logging in to this page with the login that your license is associated with:

After you have upgraded your license using the link above, you will be directed to the download page for the 2015.2 setup.

If you own a 2015.1 license purchased on or after 22nd June 2015

If you purchased a 2015.1 license on or after 22nd June 2015, the upgrade to 2015.2 is free. You can upgrade your license free of charge by logging in to this page with the login that your license is associated with:

After you have upgraded your license using the link above, you will be directed to the download page for the 2015.2 setup.

If you own a 2015.1 license purchased before 22nd June 2015

If you purchased a 2015.1 license before 22nd June 2015, you can purchase the upgrade to 2015.2 at significant discount using this page:

Immediately after purchasing the 2015.2 upgrade, you will be emailed your license and download instructions for the 2015.2 setup.

We recommend that you purchase the upgrade with the Subscription option. The subscription option entitles you to free support and upgrades for a year, after which the subscription can be renewed for less than the cost of a single upgrade.

If you own a 2014.1, 2013 or 2012 license

If you own a 2014.1, 2013 or 2012 license, you can purchase the upgrade to 2015.2 with a discount using this page:

Immediately after purchasing the 2015.2 upgrade, you will be emailed your license and download instructions for the 2015.2 setup.

We recommend that you purchase the upgrade with the Subscription option. The subscription option entitles you to free support and upgrades for a year, after which the subscription can be renewed for less than the cost of a single upgrade.



Previous Release Notes

2015.1 Release Note




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