Excluding Items from .NET Documentation

If you wish to exclude items from your generated .NET Documentation, you have a variety of ways to do so using Document! X.

Exclude based on access (private/internal etc.) or on common exclusion attributes

If you wish to exclude for particular kinds of members, you can go to the Build Profile Editor and then under Reference Documentation there is an option called .NET Filters. From there, you can use a variety of filters to include or exclude items.

Exclude a specific item

If you wish to exclude a specific item, if you edit the Content File of your assembly, then select the item you wish to exclude. On the Content Item types toolbar (located at the top of the content editor), there is an option named Is Excluded (it is the first box that has a # in). If you then select the check-box named Is excluded, the item will be excluded from your generated output file.

You can also use the <exclude/> xml comment in your .NET source code to exclude items.

Exclude based on more complex rules

The Filtering page in the Build Profile Editor provides you with a powerful rules editor that can be used to exclude items based on one or more rules. Rules can be based on Build Flags, name, item type etc.

Viewing Items in the Content File Explorer that are excluded

To view your excluded members again, you go to the Content File Explorer (The explorer pane in between the Project Explorer and the Content Editor), and click the Filter button (it should be the 4th from the left). There, you can uncheck Only show items that are included in this Project, to show any items that you have excluded.



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