Forcing Page Breaks within a Topic in PDF Booklet Output

If you want to force a specific PDF booklet page break inside a topic, you can use an Inline CSS style rule applied to the first paragraph or heading you want to appear on a new page.

  1. In the Topic Editor or Content File Editor, place your cursor in the paragraph you want to appear on a new page;
  2. In the Style Picker window, click the New Style toolbar button;
  3. Choose Inline Style and on the Layout page set Pagebreak before to always.
Page breaks can only be set using an inline style rule.

There are some more general page break settings in the Build Profile Editor (Under Page Layout and then Page Break).

You can also add Page Break nodes to the Table of Contents to add Insert PDF Page Breaks into your TOC. Page Break nodes and the style rules described here only have an effect in Booklet Output.



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  • 0
    Dipti Bist


    Thanks, the topic is very informative and I was looking for it!!

    I am trying to insert page break between two Drop down section widgets using the similar option as stated in the article - Pagebreak before to always - by placing the cursor just before Heading Text of the widget. But to no result - although the XHTML shows the appropriate tags. Is it a limitation?

    I however achieved inserting page break by using 'Page break after always' by placing the cursor at the end of the content of the previous widget.

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