Removing Enum Value Lists From Parameter Summaries In COM Documentation

This article will explain how to remove Enumeration value lists (where the parameter type is an Enumeration) from the Parameters section of the Methods pages in COM Documentation. This is useful if you have very large parameter descriptions and wish to save space on the Summary page.

This is a built-in feature of the Template - if the parameter type is an Enum, it will include the valid enum values. You can add a description for the parameter, but it will be included after the Enum values. 

You can disable the generation of Enum Value Lists in the Parameter section by creating a custom template.

You can find out how to create a custom template here:

In this case, the base template would be the Classic COM Component Documentation. Once you have created your custom template, it will then open for editing.  From there, you need to go to Scraps and find the  _PARAMETERS_LIST_BODY scrap. This is what it looks like currently:

<dt><I>RemovingEnumValueListsFromParameterSummariesInCOMDocumentation</I></dt> <dd></dd>

You will then need to modify it to the following in order to remove the enum value list:

<dt><I>RemovingEnumValueListsFromParameterSummariesInCOMDocumentation</I></dt> <dd></dd>

Once you have made the change, you need to close the custom template editor and save the changes. Finally, you need to then select the custom template for use in your build output - by opening the Build Profile Editor, and navigating to the Templates page. From there, under COM Component Documentation, you need to select your new custom template. You can see the difference in the screenshots below - with the old output on the left, and the removed enumeration value lists on the right.



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