By default, Document! X will generate separate pages for the Type Overview (Object Model Diagram, Summary, Syntax etc.) and the Type Members List. It is possible to generate a single Type page including all of the content from the Overview and Members pages by creating a custom Template and modifying the Page Types within.
This article will explain how to go about creating a single page containing the content from the Overview and Members pages.
You can find out how to create a custom template here:
In this example, we will be using the ".Net Assembly Documentation \ Classic Template" as the relevant base Template. Once the Template has been created and is open for edit, you have to navigate to Page Types page in the Template Editor and find the master.typeinfo_members.html Page Type. You then need to click the Edit button at the top which will open the Editor for that Page Type. In the Page Type Editor, within the BodyContent section - copy all of this apart from the first line to the clipboard. This content constitutes the majority of the code from the BodyContent section, apart from the overview link at the top, and the see also link at the bottom.
You then need to copy this into the master.typeinfo.html Page Type. Back in the Template Editor, select that Page Type and once again click the Edit button to open that Page Type for edit. You should then paste the content copied to the clipboard earlier into the BodyContent part of the page, above the See Also bookmark - which looks like this:
<a name="seealsobookmark"></a>
Once you have copied the content to the master.typeinfo.html page, you can delete the master.typeinfo_members.html Page Type which will prevent a separate members page from being generated.
Then, you need to go to the Table of Contents Layouts in the Template Editor and click the edit button. From there, navigate to delete the Members page that is located under Namespaces, then , then Classes. This will prevent a Table of Contents entry from being generated for the Members page.
Finally, you need to select your custom template in your Build Profile editor by right-clicking your Build Profile and selecting Edit. Then in the Build Profile Editor, on the Templates page, select your custom template under Microsoft .NET Assembly Documentation. Then, your built output should look like this:
The above method can also be altered to merge other Page Types together. Custom Templates are a powerful tool you can leverage to get the exact layout you desire for your generated documentation.