HelpStudio 2018.1 Release Information

This page contains information about the 2018.1 release of HelpStudio, including information on the release contents and how to upgrade to this release.

What's New in 2018.1

You can find a detailed release note, including minor updates and bug fixes, here:

Editions and Versions

The new Editions and Versions functionality helps you to publish multiple variations of your Browser Help output and allows the end users of your Browser Help outputs to switch between the different Editions and/or Versions you have published.

Editions define the variants of Browser Help output that you generate using Build Profiles. (e.g. Standard, Professional and Enterprise Editions). Versions define the chronological published versions of your documentation (e.g. 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 versions). You can use just Editions, just Versions, or define them both if you would like your documentation users to switch between both Editions and Chronological Versions of your published Browser Help output.

All documentation that you publish with Editions and Versions functionality enabled will automatically show any Editions or Versions you publish in the future without having to republish the earlier documentation, minimizing the amount of effort in managing multiple documentation Editions and Versions and making it simple for users to find their way to the most relevant and up to date content.

Key Sequences Widget

A new Key Sequences Widget has been added to support the common documentation task of graphically illustrating a hotkey or other key sequence.

Documentation of Authenticated Web Services

Web services that use a definition uri protected by basic or NTLM authentication are now supported. New authentication properties are available on the Web Service properties dialog when adding or modifying a web service.

Customizable Configuration Location

The Configuration Data folder can now be customized to support OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox etc. integration. The folder in which Templates, Content Item Types and other application Configuration Data is stored can now be customized on the Paths page in the Options editor. This feature will allow Configuration Data to be stored in a folder that is synchronized with a cloud storage provider such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. This functionality can be thereby leveraged to back up and synchronize your Configuration Data and also to keep your Configuration Data synchronized between multiple users working within a team environment.

Recent Items on Project Quick Start

A list of Recently accessed Project Items (e.g. Topics, Images, Stylesheets etc.) is now shown on the Project Quick Start page shown by default when you open a Project; providing a quick and easy way to pick up working with items from your last session.



Compatibility with older versions

Installing 2018.1 will automatically remove 2017.1 (or earlier) if you have it installed.

Projects can be opened in 2018.1 without any conversion. Projects saved in 2018.1 should not be edited in 2017.1 or older to avoid loss of data associated with features not present in the earlier version.


Upgrading to 2018.1

If you have a current Subscription license

If you have a current subscription license, the upgrade to 2018.1 is free. You can upgrade your license free of charge by logging in to this page with the login that your license is associated with:

After you have upgraded your license using the link above, you will be directed to the download page for the 2018.1 setup.

If you own a 2017.1 license purchased on or after 20 July 2018

If you purchased a 2017.1 license on or after 20 July 2018, the upgrade to 2018.1 is free. You can upgrade your license free of charge by logging in to this page with the login that your license is associated with:

After you have upgraded your license using the link above, you will be directed to the download page for the 2018.1 setup.

If you own a 2017.1 license purchased before 20 July 2018

If you purchased a 2017.1 license before 20 July 2018, you can purchase the upgrade to 2018.1 at significant discount using this page:

Immediately after purchasing the 2018.1 upgrade, you will be emailed your license and download instructions for the 2018.1 setup.

We recommend that you purchase the upgrade with the Subscription option. The subscription option entitles you to free support and upgrades for a year, after which the subscription can be renewed for less than the cost of a single upgrade.

If you own a 2016.1, 2015.2 or 2015.1 license

If you own a 2016.1, 2015.2 or 2015.1 license, you can purchase the upgrade to 2018.1 with a discount using this page:

Immediately after purchasing the 2018.1 upgrade, you will be emailed your license and download instructions for the 2018.1 setup.

We recommend that you purchase the upgrade with the Subscription option. The subscription option entitles you to free support and upgrades for a year, after which the subscription can be renewed for less than the cost of a single upgrade.


Previous Release Notes

2017.1 Release Note



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