Assembly version in new "material" template


in the VS2012 template, I had changed the "master_base.html" file to have the assembly version displayed. I'm trying to do the same with the Material template, but with no luck.

The modified master_base.html contains the following lines for the article:

                <article class="i-page">
                    <section class="i-article-container">
                        <div class="i-page-title"><!--DXMETADATA start type="ContentSection" Name="PageTitleContent" Description="Page Title content" --><!--DXMETADATA end--></div>
                        <div class="i-page-title" style="margin-bottom:5px">Assembly Version: <!--DXMETADATA start type="AssemblyVersion" --><!--DXMETADATA end--></div>
                        <!--DXMETADATA start type="ContentSection" Name="BodyContent" Description="Main body content"  -->
                        <!--DXMETADATA start type="ContentSection" Name="AfterBodyContent" Description="Content to show after the main body content" --><!--DXMETADATA end-->

Is there something wrong with this approach?


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