Management of attributes

I am documenting .NET assemblies. I've just noticed that those members decorated with [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] do not get included in the documentation generated with Document!X. Talked that over with the team & ideally they would like to generate a separate help file with just those members (for use primarily by support and by the few customers for whom these members exist).

In addition, they'd like to move those classes & members decorated with [ObsoleteAttribute] into this new help file. At present, the obsolete members appear in the Document!X generated help with nothing to show they are obsolete except for the appearance of [ObsoleteAttribute] in the syntax section.

So in short, I need to do two things:

- (in my existing Doc!X project) Turn off classes & members with [ObsoleteAttribute] in my Document!X project. If I've got to, I can do this manually on the Included Modules screen, but obviously that's a maintenance nightmare; I'm hoping there is an easier way.

- (in my new project) Turn on classes & members with EditorBrowsableState.Never. This is the important one, in that I've got no workaround for this -- I don't know how to make these classes & members show up at all.

Thanks for any assistance!

- LauraJ


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